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Warren Beymer

Account Executive
Channel Expert | Soccer Champ | Solution Wiz

How would you describe your job? I’m a solution-focused research consultant who works hard to make my clients look good.

What is your best research trait? My greatest research trait is nearly three decades of experience designing, executing, and overcoming research challenges. I pride myself in being responsive to my clients and providing a high level of support and service.

How do your personal interests intersect with your market research career? I’m naturally inquisitive and observational. I enjoy deciphering what motivates and prompts people to take action.

Favorite type of project to work on? Qualitative new product, service, or solution development.  Drilling into and uncovering the why?

How long have you been working with MDC? When I started at MDC, my ‘90 Volkswagen Golf was brand new.

How do you unplug after a busy day? Build something with my hands, usually home improvement projects where I can see an immediate impact of my hard work.

You’re stranded on a desert island for one year and you’re stacked with survival provisions. 
What non-electronic item would you want for entertainment? A soccer ball of course.  And his name would be Adidas, not Wilson.

Little-known personal fact?  I’m an only child and I was born on Friday the 13th.

Anything else? I’ve traveled the world doing market research. A few highlights include moderating or leading in-person research in Istanbul, Kuala Lumpur, Sao Paulo, Tokyo, Taiwan, Rome, Barcelona, Mexico City, and the list goes on.

Vanessa Estrada

Human Resources Manager 
Talent Scout | Biker | The Glue that Keeps us Together

How would you describe your job? An unpredictable, ever-changing environment. Teamwork helps everyone get through the day. It’s an amazing feeling to watch a good team working together to achieve their goals.

How do your personal interests intersect with your market research career? I love watching things grow into something great. I plant and craft at home and attend sporting events for my kids. At work it’s similar. I interact with multiple departments to help our people grow.

Favorite type of project to work on? Any project that requires collaboration. When we’re all pulling together, it’s motivating to watch different departments cheer each other on.

How long have you been working with MDC? I started back in 2005.

Which city do you call home, literally or figuratively? Our home could be our physical address or anywhere our camper takes us. My kids and my other half love the outdoors!

How do you unplug after a busy day? Sitting in the front yard, watching the kids play. My boys (oldest and his BFF) playing basketball and my two little ones on their bikes or scooters, jamming music with the family while I cook something good to eat!

What’s a book, movie, or tv show/series that gets you excited? Right now, it’s American Housewife. I love relatable shows.

What’s a lesser-known fact about you? I can be lazy. I enjoy vegging, just laying like broccoli!

Anything else?  Crafting is my stress reliever. I played roller derby for 3 years until I had my last child. Now my partner and I ride a Harley in our spare time and spend time watching our kids play sports or camping. We love dogs – at one point we had four, but right now we have a beagle named Coco. We love her so much and wish that all our dogs had the same lifespan as us!  

Joseph Morreale

Project Manager
Retro-Modern Mix Master | Chef | Content Creator

How would you describe your job? If a project was a living creature, I would probably be its circulatory system.

What is your best research trait? My boundless enthusiasm for exploring new resources and methods that can help me find the solutions I need.

How do your personal interests intersect with your market research career? I write fiction, which helps me see things from multiple points of view and how that can be transformed into useful information and effective communication.

Favorite type of project to work on? Anything gathering feedback on a new product, service or program. I enjoy seeing how the data helps the initial idea evolve into the final result.

Specializations or unique skills? Computers as creativity tools. I edit videos, am familiar with several programming languages, and I’m learning game development and computer graphics.

How long have you been working with MDC? Full House was still on television and AOL was becoming the biggest thing on the Internet.

Which city do you call home, literally or figuratively? Portland, Oregon. It’s where I first put down roots, where I graduated high school, where I got married, and where all of my immediate family still lives.

How do you unplug after a busy day? Trying out a new recipe for dinner or baking something fun to bring as a treat for my friends on the weekend.

What’s a book, movie, or tv show that gets you excited? Anything that involves spaceships, dragons, comic books or Jane Austen.

You’re stranded on a desert island for one year and you’re stacked with necessary survival provisions. What non-electronic item would you want for entertainment? Pencil and paper.

What food item would you want with you? Pasta!

Anything else? My favorite fictional character is Kitty Pryde from the X-Men.

Rachel Luckie

Project Manager
Proactive Decision-Maker | Efficiency Pro | Info Junkie

How would you describe your job? Maintaining and organizing resources to complete client requests in a timely and efficient manner.

What would you say is your best research trait? Very detail-oriented and efficient.

What is your favorite type of project to work on? I enjoy a lot of the utility-related work I do, particularly those projects focusing on energy efficiency programs and how participation in such programs affects respondents.

How long have you been working with MDC? Since 2015.

What city do you call home, literally and/or figuratively? Las Cruces, New Mexico is the city I call home. I grew up here and all my immediate family lives here.

What tools or apps (analogue or digital) can’t you live without? Google…I use it all the time to win arguments.

How do you unplug after a busy day? I try and get away from screens if I can. Usually, I’ll read or try to spend some time outside.

What’s a book, movie, or tv show/series that gets you excited? I’ve recently become excited about the fantasy book series Wheel of Time by Robert Jordan.

You’re stranded on a desert island for one year and you’re stacked with necessary survival provisions.
What non-electronic item would you want for entertainment? Definitely books.
What food item would you want with you? I feel like the answer to this question changes for me based on my cravings at the time. Probably something sweet, though.

Meghan Lybrand

Digital Insights Specialist
Video Storyteller | Empathic Listener | Podcast Addict

How would you describe your job? I make moving picture stories to support research findings.

How do your personal interests intersect with your market research career?  I worked in indie filmmaking in my 20s, market research in my 30s, and now I’ve got the perfect intersection of both (heart eyeballs).

How long have you been working with MDC? Since 2009. Longest relationship I’ve ever been in.

Which city do you call home, literally or figuratively? Born and raised in NE Portland. I’ve lived elsewhere, but PDX is home.

What tools or apps (analogue or digital) can’t you live without? The Shazam app (as a kid, it was my lit-er-al dream to press a button and magically discover what song is playing, and now that’s just #basic, what a world) and the IMDB app (who directed this? Where have I seen that actor? I WILL FIND OUT SO FAST).

How do you unplug after a busy day? I love starting projects. Do I know what I’m doing or plan appropriately or finish the project? I do not. Next question.

What’s a book, movie, or tv show that gets you excited? Succession, Insecure, Black Mirror, Devs, Fleabag, Euphoria, I May Destroy You, Atlanta, Normal People, Severance. And a bunch more. I like TV, okay?

You’re stranded on a desert island for one year and you’re stacked with survival provisions.
What non-electronic item would you want for entertainment? Volleyball. For sport, nothing more. Or maybe something more, I don’t know, depends on our chemistry.
What food item would you want with you? The goat of the food scene → avocado.

Anything else? WhatAboutBunny is a dog on TikTok who effectively communicates with an augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) device. You guys, SHE TALKS. She’s on the bleeding edge of animal cognition research and she’s SO smart and sassy and I just think more people should know about her.

Jayne Isbell

Insights Analyst
Ethnographer | Book Lover | Hostess

How would you describe your job? I design and manage projects that make it possible to ask a question and uncover an answer.

What is your best research trait? I am very empathetic and constantly view things from our participants’ viewpoint.

How do your personal interests intersect with your market research career?  I am an incredibly curious person about a wide range of topics which suits market research splendidly.

Favorite type of project to work on? My favorites projects are the ones which have a great team assembled and allow me the time to be creative.

How long have you been working with MDC?  I started at the beginning of the pandemic, so that’s, what, 10 years? One year? What is time, even. 

Which city do you call home, literally or figuratively? Memphis, TN is home. All my history is there. It’s the city listed on my birth certificate, on my college and graduate school diplomas, and on my marriage license.

What’s a book, movie, or tv show that gets you excited? I could ramble on all day about books! I love a good fairytale retelling or mythological retelling. Naomi Novik has several novels that are favorites of mine.  

You’re stranded on a desert island for one year and you’re stacked with necessary survival provisions.
What non-electronic item would you want for entertainment? 100% a book. Preferably a lot of them.
What food item would you want with you? Peanut butter because it’s so versatile so you really can’t go wrong with it. I never grow tired of it.

Little-known personal fact? I have fantastic penmanship.
(Editorial note: can confirm → fantastic penmanship.)

Anything else? I have interests other than books; namely, I love hosting and cooking for people. I regularly have friends over for dinner and throw small parties whenever I can fit it in my schedule. I will break out my china, light some candles, turn on some smooth jazz and make a whole evening of it.

Jayme Powell

Project Manager
Master Communicator | Details Expert | Eagles State Officer

How would you describe your job?  I manage our quantitative clients. I provide accurate, relevant information regarding sample needs, identify potential challenges, and communicate issues along with proposed solutions in order to keep my projects on schedule and on budget.

What would you say is your best research trait? Highly communicative. I like to be proactive in my communication with clients as well as transparent.

Describe a way your personal interests/pursuits intersect with your market research career. I’ve always been interested in what people like, what they don’t like, their behaviors. Being in the research industry helps me identify other people’s ‘why’ behind these questions.

What are your specializations and/or unique skills?  Analytical, attention to detail, problem solving, efficiency oriented.

How long have you been working with MDC? Since 2004.

What city do you call home, literally and/or figuratively? Las Cruces, New Mexico is the city I call home. My childhood memories were created here all-around town, my family is here, and I never want to be too far from them. I love the culture in Las Cruces, the authentic food, every color the mountains turn when the sun goes down, and the warm weather.

How do you unplug after a busy day? I like to go for long walks through the desert or if it’s a really busy day, I enjoy a good glass of wine.

You’re stranded on a desert island for one year and you’re stacked with necessary survival provisions. What non-electronic item would you want for entertainment? Pencil and paper to draw or a telescope to view the stars at night.

What food item would you want with you? Most definitely Green Chile.

What’s a lesser-known fact about you? This is the only company I’ve worked for since joining the workforce at 16. I’ve had many titles within the same company, but this is still my ‘first job’.

Anything else? I have been a member of the Fraternal Order of Eagles for 14 years and have been the president of my local Auxiliary three times. I’m currently a state officer and I will become the state Madam President for the 2025-2026 fraternal year. I love to help raise money for charity.

Irene O’Reilly

Account Executive 
Lead Storyteller | Moderator | Insights Pro

How would you describe your job?

  • Design-focused. Really homing in on a client’s unique challenge or need to design something truly actionable, and not just recycle the same processes or solutions over and over.
  • Results-oriented. Uncovering the story behind findings and what they truly mean, and then presenting them in digestible, highly visualized, and compelling ways.
  • Collaborative. Working with and mentoring a fantastic team to continue to build excellent researchers.

What is your best research trait? Creativity… storytelling… creative storytelling?

How do your personal interests intersect with your market research career?  I make mosaics, quilts, stained glass, collages… Pretty much ALL my pursuits involve disassembling or breaking something into tiny pieces, and then reworking it to create something different, meaningful and often unexpected. After exploring these pursuits for so many years, I’ve noticed that they really shape (or perhaps are shaped by?) the way I look at the world. What you see on the surface is often deceiving—or not the whole picture—and my brain is constantly breaking things apart and putting them back together in more meaningful ways.

Favorite type of project to work on? Anything where I can have a voice, use my creativity, and have opportunity to tell a compelling story.

How long have you been working with MDC? Let’s just say my tenure is of legal drinking age.

Which city do you call home, literally or figuratively? I’ve lived in Portland for over 20 years, but I will always consider Ringwood, NJ home. Not just because I spent the first half of my life there, but because it’s a super small, friendly town, and just embodies the ethos of “home.” People know you, individuals have a voice, everyone works together as a community, etc. That’s really something I’ve pursued in many aspects of my life, despite living in a city now. I went to a small college, work in a small business, and value individual input and collaboration in all aspects of my life.

David Peters

Business Development
Marketing Expert | Relationship Builder | Trivia Boss

How would you describe your job? I introduce our company and research teams to people who can use their experience, expertise, and industry knowledge.

How do your personal interests intersect with your market research career?  I’m a bit of a trivia enthusiast. Whether playing our weekly trivia with the MDC team, getting together with friends for trivia night at the local bar, or watching Jeopardy, it’s all good. My breadth of interests and knowledge helps me to see new opportunities and connect with a wide range of people.  
(Editorial note: can confirm trivia skills. He wins our weekly MDC game a lot.)

How long have you been working with MDC? Since December 2011. Has it really been over a decade?

Which city do you call home, literally or figuratively? Marquette, Michigan. Though more college town than city, it was a great place to grow up. After heading off to college at 17 (more years ago than I’ll admit), I’ve made the move back recently to help family. Living on the shore of Lake Superior is great, but winter is waaaay colder and windier than Portland. 

What tools or apps (analogue or digital) can’t you live without? For work, LinkedIn for sure. In my personal life, Google Maps to get where I’m going, iHeart for my favorite podcast, and WhatsApp to help me stay connected with friends and family.

How do you unplug after a busy day? A long walk/hike, listening to my podcast, and Jeopardy.

What’s a book, movie, or tv show that gets you excited? Besides Jeopardy? Let’s go with Blues Brothers and Bob’s Burgers.

You’re stranded on a desert island for one year and you’re stacked with survival provisions.
What non-electronic item would you want for entertainment? A set of encyclopedias. (But only if it can count as one item.)
(Editorial note: we’ll allow it.)
What food item would you want with you? Fig Newtons.

Anything else? I love to grow my own fruits and veggies.

David Caldwell

IT Manager
Security Administrator | Data Protector | Hobby Master

How would you describe your job? Overseeing and protecting the digital landscape that the company operates on and through.

What is your best research trait? Investigation and fact-finding.

How do your personal interests intersect with your market research career?  My passion for technology, long-term strategy, and short-term tactics have been invaluable in my IT career.

Favorite type of project to work on? Incorporating new solutions that solve old frictions.

How long have you been working with MDC? We were using Windows XP when I started. 

Which city do you call home, literally or figuratively? Portland is my home city, but I feel at home… at home with my family.

How do you unplug after a busy day? Playing board games with my family and Hobbycraft.

What’s a book, movie, or tv show that gets you excited? Wheel of Time book series (not the TV show), Walking Dead Graphic Novels, The Expanse book series.

You’re stranded on a desert island for one year and you’re stacked with survival provisions.
What non-electronic item would you want for entertainment? Set of Dice.
What food item would you want with you? Unlimited Salad and Breadsticks.

Little-known personal fact? I was on the Rambling Rod Show! (If you are from PDX, you know).
(Editorial note: The Ramblin’ Rod Show was a morning children’s comedy show in Oregon that aired from 1964-1997. To be invited on air was indeed an Oregonian flex.)

Chris Allen

Woodworker | Troop Leader | Office Dad

How would you describe your job? I’m the company accounting wonk.

What are your specializations and/or unique skills? I’m the company accounting wonk.

How long have you been working with MDC? Hired in February of 2021.

What city do you call home, literally and/or figuratively? Portland, Oregon is home, first and foremost because it’s where my wife and I raised our amazing daughters. We were initially drawn here by the diverse, natural beauty of Pacific Northwest.

What tools or apps (analogue or digital) can’t you live without? QuickBooks, Excel, automobile, toothbrush.

What’s a book, movie, or tv show/series that gets you excited? The Dune novels are some of my favorite books. Mr. Holmes, Game Night and Fifth Element are some of my favorite movies.

You’re stranded on a desert island for one year and you’re stacked with necessary survival provisions.
What non-electronic item would you want for entertainment? Binoculars for bird and wildlife watching (and to keep an eye out for pirates and rescuers).
What food item would you want with you? Chocolate and red wine.

What’s a lesser-known fact about you? I was a Girl Scout (assistant troop leader).

Carl Wayne

Account Manager
Methodology Master | Outdoor Adventurer | Epitome of Calm

How would you describe your job? My job is an investigative journey into the unknown. You never know what you’re going to encounter along the way, but it’s almost always an adventure.

How do your personal interests intersect with your market research career?  Inquisitive by nature, I feel particularly suited towards digging further and logically dissecting information into sequential relationships.

Specializations and/or unique skills? I’m methodical and logical, though I can embrace the abstract and art required (most the time). Digesting large amounts of quantitative data and identifying the story being told is where I feel most comfortable.

How long have you been working with MDC? Since 2005. My Myspace profile was amazing.

Which city do you call home, literally or figuratively? I feel lucky enough to call several cities/places home for various reasons. In general, almost the entirety of the southwest is my home (AZ, UT, NM, CO). Focusing on cities, though? Right now, it’s Portland. We chose each other in 2007 and I’ve continued to foster a life among chosen family and friends, as well as grow my love affair with the natural environment of the area.

What tools or apps (analogue or digital) can’t you live without?
Google (because I must know the answer to everything I don’t know). The voice recorder app on my phone (because I record endless amounts of audio, from music to work meetings). My pocketknife (because sometimes you just need to cut sh*t, tighten screws, or hammer something).

You’re stranded on a desert island for one year and you’re stacked with survival provisions.
What non-electronic item would you want for entertainment? A sturdy deck of cards.
What food item would you want with you? Green Chile enchiladas. Otherwise, I’m going with a potato, since I can plant it and grow/store more potatoes for my new life as Potato Man of Potato Island.

Little-known personal fact? I’m kind of obsessed with the destruction of humanity. Aliens, zombies, civil war, eruption of Yellowstone, solar flares, etc. I love preppers and off-grid die-hards. My main regret in life is that I’m not immortal and I won’t live long enough to see how the story ends.

Steve Prether

Vice President of Operations
Process Leader | Automation Wizard |  All Things Support

How would you describe your job? It’s like a meal cooked in a Crock Pot. Bits of everything you find in the fridge thrown into one container and cooked for long hours. If you take care to do things right up front, you’re rewarded down the line.

What is your best research trait? Being able to predict with a certain level of accuracy what will happen when a finite set of parameters are combined into a research project.        

How do your personal interests intersect with your market research career?  I have passions for efficiency, statistics, and mentorship. In many ways, my career exploits those passions. 

Specializations and/or unique skills? Building Excel-based forms and charts to create understanding and efficiencies for repetitive tasks.

How long have you been working with MDC?  I started in 2005. Nobody had cell phones and my laptop weighed 12 pounds.

Which city do you call home, literally or figuratively? Las Cruces, New Mexico. It’s home because of the great people that I work with daily.

How do you unplug after a busy day? I’ll let you know as soon as that happens.

What’s a book, movie, or tv show that gets you excited? Good Will Hunting.

You’re stranded on a desert island for one year and you’re stacked with survival provisions. 
What non-electronic item would you want for entertainment? A basketball.
What food item would you want with you? Cold cereal.

Little-known personal fact? I enjoy learning about unfamiliar locations by getting lost and eventually finding my way out.

Anything else? I believe that Value = Excellence x Consistency.

Jake Lahmers

Vice President, Account Executive
Chief Analyst | Stats Guru | Problem-Solver 

How would you describe your job?  I’m a consultant and a problem-solver.  I’m at my best when I’m trying to help a client figure out the best way to answer their research questions, and then finding the best way to execute.  My extensive experience often puts me one step ahead of a potential issue or challenge. I pride myself in being able to apply earlier learnings to collaborate with my clients and our team here to formulate the best individual solution.

What is your best research trait?  I am naturally curious and want to understand why things are the way they are, how things work, and how to prove or disprove theories with data.

How do your personal interests intersect with your market research career? My interest in history, geography, travel, and learning provides me a foundation of curiosity, general knowledge of the world, and I apply those learnings and practices to explaining human behaviors and perceptions through research.  

My interest/understanding of tech and video games directly applies to much of the work we do, and it’s always exciting to be part of an industry that fascinates me.

Favorite type of project to work on?  My favorite types of projects are those where clients bring us in early to understand the problem they are trying to solve, we have input on the design, and we have opportunity to have an impact by presenting or engaging with stakeholders.  The start-to-finish process is much more satisfying than simply doing a task.

Specializations and/or unique skills? Understanding data and statistics, and how to interpret what it means for clients.  Not just showing numbers but showing what the numbers mean and why they matter.

How long have you been working with MDC? Let’s just say that when I started, Y2K was a thing.

How do you unplug after a busy day?  I like to pour myself a drink and watch or read something interesting.  Preferably a thriller/mystery, historical documentary, or an intelligent comedy.  I usually like to keep my brain going, even when relaxing.

What’s a book, movie, or tv show that gets you excited?  GoT, X-Files, Succession, Peaky Blinders.

Anything else? Nope. I am a man of mystery.

Dima Sokolov

President, Account Executive
Moderator | Gamer | Head Honcho

How would you describe your job? My job is to bring human answers to complex research challenges, helping propel brands, products and services with the power of insight. I also lead a team of amazing individuals, and shape strategy to keep MDC on the cutting edge of research methodology and technique.

How do your personal interests intersect with your market research career?  I grew up as a gamer and I will always be a gamer. The intersection of one of my biggest passions and the ability to work with some of the most respected gaming brands is a dream come true. The gaming companies we work with aren’t just “clients,” these are brands which powered my youth. The ability to influence consoles, hardware, games, services, and accessories is one of the most fulfilling parts of my career.

How long have you been working with MDC?  Longer than I haven’t

Which city do you call home, literally or figuratively? Literally Portland, but figuratively, the Oregon coast.  I feel immense peace so close to the ocean – everything feels right during a sunny Oregon coast day.

What tools or apps (analogue or digital) can’t you live without? Instagram. I am shamefully addicted to Instagram Reels.

How do you unplug after a busy day? I love to create and build things in the garage.  The ability to tune into a car project, and tune out the rest of the world, provides a feeling of satisfaction and accomplishment.  This is my way of depositing into my own self-worth cup.  

You’re stranded on a desert island for one year and you’re stacked with survival provisions.
What non-electronic item would you want for entertainment? Surfboard.
What food item would you want with you? Does bourbon count?

Little-known personal fact? I have a lot of feelings. My significant other and I will have competitions to see which of us will cry first watching solider-coming-home videos. First one to cry loses… and I always lose, with my partner not far behind me.